Next Meeting Feb. 5th
Doors Open: 11am
Lunch Served: 11:30am
Meeting Begins: 12pm
Please RSVP at (813) 296-3900

Press Photo 1959
Mission Statement
RWC's mission is to maximize the potential of our community by ensuring the continued development of educational, cultural, and social opportunities through community services and resources of our members.
Ruskin Woman's Club
Making A Difference In The Community!
The General Federation of Woman's Clubs - GFWC
is one of the world's oldest and largest women's service organizations dedicated to community improvement through volunteer service.
The General Federal of Woman's Clubs Florida members participate in various community service activities. These include service projects, fundraising, education, leadership, and friendship activities.
Note from Our President

Wow! How fast time flies, and we are already preparing to start our new year in September for the GFWC Ruskin Woman’s Club! This year will be busy, so get your running shoes on, and let’s have some FUN!
We have initiated some exciting new changes for this year, including several new committees such as the Publicity Committee to help get all our events advertised and noticed; overhauling and modernizing our RWC website; introducing a QR code on the website and our flyers to make purchasing tickets easier; new ideas with fundraisers such as a Golf Tournament on November 4, a Vendor show with our Cash, Clothing, and Cocktails on March 15, 2025, and restaurant share nights with several different restaurants. And, of course, we are still having our Sweetheart Tea on February 8, 2025, and our Fashion Show on May 10, 2025.
We are also allocating more time to have fun by having a monthly Game Night and Painting Time Out classes where you can relax and sip on your favorite beverage while learning to paint or enhance your skills. Follow us on our Facebook page at GFWC Ruskin Woman’s Club, and stay connected with our website to get details about our monthly events and fundraisers. We work hard but need to rejuvenate ourselves by taking time out to play, too!
Over the summer, we beautified our clubhouse grounds by redesigning the front entrance flower beds and upgrading our RWC sign. We hired a new landscaper who has been busy removing the debris from the yard. Now we must concentrate on making significant repairs and improvements to our Clubhouse. We need financial assistance, so several members have been working through the summer writing grants, looking for donors, and brainstorming other fundraising avenues.
Our RWC Club gained so many new members last year, and from what I hear through the grapevine, we have more women interested in joining this year! We welcome new members with open arms and want to ensure they know they are needed, wanted, and appreciated.
Our club has so many events, Community Service Projects, and fundraisers on the calendar for the year that it’s hard to list them all in one letter! But I guarantee each member will find a project to do that is close to their heart and will make them proud to be a member of the GFWC Ruskin Woman’s Club. As always, the members of RWC are kind, generous, compassionate, and hardworking, and they give tirelessly with their time and money.
Unfortunately, we are still moving closer to our senior years, so we need to continue to practice our motto from last year: to work “smarter, not harder.” We can accomplish many things as a team and continue to change the world! I look forward to working closely with you in the new year.
So, let’s get our sparkle on!
Sharon Davis, President